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  • 4 LBS
    4 LBS
    Chocolate MousseChocolate Peanut ButterRocky RoadTahitian Vanilla Bean
    Chocolate Mousse
    Chocolate Peanut Butter
    Rocky Road
    Tahitian Vanilla Bean




Pro Jym Protein Powder Blend contains, Whey, micellar casein, and egg protein are three of the most efficient forms of proteins for muscle growth. The three forms of protein are absorbed at different rates in the body: whey is absorbed quickly, casein is taken slowly, and egg is absorbed in a “middle” rate.

Protein’s Building Blocks

This is absolutely how you want your supplements to behave before and after exercises to guarantee that your muscles receive a quick dose of amino acids (protein’s building blocks) as well as a constant stream of them throughout the day.

Long-Term Growth

According to a new study, when you combine fast-digesting whey with medium- and slow-digesting proteins, muscle protein synthesis stays higher for longer than when you only eat whey. In addition, muscle protein retention is greater. This indicates that the muscle is gaining more protein. That’s what might contribute to long-term muscle growth and strength increases.

Non-Proprietary Mix

Pro JYM protein powder blend is a non-proprietary mix in addition to being a protein blend in a saturated market with often failing 100 percent whey protein powders.

Any supplement that does not list the exact amount of each active ingredient it consists of is referred to as a proprietary blend. This isn’t only true of pre-workouts and fat-burners; many protein supplements on the shelf are proprietary mixes since the quantities of proteins in the recipe aren’t disclosed.

No Nitrogen Spiking

Nitrogen spiking (also known as “amino spiking” or “protein spiking”) is an unethical practice in which supplement manufacturers put somewhat less protein than what has been mentioned on the label to save money and increase their protein margins – at the expense of the consumer.

When you buy a “spiked” protein, you’re paying for 24 grams of protein but only getting 18 grams of intact protein. You receive full 24 grams with Pro JYM.

Flavors Available

  • Chocolate Mousse
  • Tahitian Vanilla Bean

Additional Benefits

  • Pro Jym Protein Powder Blend provides your muscles an instant dose of BCAAs
  • It is a non-proprietary mix which means the exact quantity of each ingredient is mentioned
  • It is formulated in a way that it prevents nitrogen spikes/amino spikes


Pro Jym protein powder blend is a well-balanced protein powder with a creamy texture and a macronutrient decomposition that is adequate for most individuals after an exercise.

In terms of protein content, the Pro Jym Protein Powder blend delivers a lot of bang for your buck. It’s a terrific supplement that can be consumed at any time of day, but it’s especially good after a workout because of its macro balance.


PRO JYM Supplement Facts

PRO JYM Nutrition Facts Whey Protein Blend

Additional information

Serving Size



Chocolate Mousse, Chocolate Peanut Butter, Rocky Road, Tahitian Vanilla Bean

1 review for PRO JYM

  1. Kumar

    Pro JYM Protein Powder by Proglads is original. They delivered me on time. Satisfied with the product and service

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